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Ten Ways to Prepare for When You Go Boating With Your Family

Boating can be a great adventure to do with your family. You can spend long days on the lake or sea and make memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you are just going for a day trip or a longer term water-bound adventure, it’s important to remember the basics and always use common sense. Here are ten things you really need to think about in order to have a safe and fun time boating with your family

1) Safety on Boats Comes First

The most important thing to keep in mind when taking kids boating is safety. Make sure everyone is wearing a properly fitting life jacket and know the rules for boating safety. Talk to the kids about not goofing around on board and that things can happen. Make sure they always have those vests on and that everyone understands this is not just playing in the backyard. Also make sure they are wearing shoes that are appropriate to grip the deck and no running on deck!

2) Always Use Sun Protection

The sun can be intense on the water, so make sure to bring sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses to protect your children from harmful UV rays. Sun that is reflecting off the water can be extra intense so make sure you bring a fairly high sunblock and re-apply often. Make sure to buy sun block that is waterproof and also look for the kind that does not affect reef life. Also, bring plenty of hats and a good rash guard will also help keep away those painfun sunburns that are no fun for anyone.

And in case someone does get a sunburn, make sure you have plenty of cooling products to reduce the pain and peeling of a sunburn.

3) Check the Weather When Boating

Always check the weather forecast before heading out on the water. Avoid boating during storms or high winds. It’s super important to understand what the forecast is for that day and for your planned route. Weather on the water can change fairly quickly, so check before you leave and then make sure you have a working device, whether a radio or phone, and keep checking on it throughout the day.

4) Bring the Water and the Snacks

Bring plenty of water and healthy snacks to keep your kids hydrated and energized throughout the day. Along with water it’s good to keep handy drinks and powders that include electrolytes since you can lose alot of them through sweating all day on board. Healthy snacks that keep the kids energized but not weighed down are the best bet. Fruit, carrot sticks, pretzels, nuts, popcorn are all great snacks for a day on the boat. And if you have a kitchen on your boat, make sure to stock it with the usual kid friendly food like chicken strips, turkey and cheese for sandwiches, and OK, can’t forget the mac and cheese.

5) Choose Fun Side Activities for Boating

Choose age-appropriate activities for your kids, such as fishing, swimming, or water sports. If you have a speed boat or a boat that can tow people, there are tons of water toys you can bring along. You can bring along a tube that can pull multiple kids, waterskis, snorkel gear and even mermaid tails.

6) Get Educated About Boating

Consider taking a boating safety course before heading out on the water with your kids. Knowing the basics of boating safety can help ensure a fun and safe experience.

7) Don’t Forget the Life Jackets

Make sure that your children are wearing life jackets that are the correct size and fit snugly. It’s best to spend the extra money on the right gear. Ones that are easy to swim with and still give you good buoyancy are the best to have on board. If you are renting a boat and the life jackets come with it, then make sure they are secure and pulled tightly around your child. Make sure the belt is also secure around the legs so that when in the water, it will not ride up too high around your child. And most importantly, don’t only rely on the life vest, Make sure your child knows how to swim and tread water before even going out on a boat.

8) Boating Rules and Regulations

Be familiar with the local boating rules and regulations, including speed limits, no-wake zones, and boating licenses. If you are renting a boat, make sure you go over all the details about how to operate the boat, where the lights are, and how to keep an eye on the gas. Also where to fill up and how to fill up the boat with gas is also important.

9) Always Have an Emergency Plan

Develop an emergency plan before you go out on the water with your children. Make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency. Know where the first aid kit is, make sure it’s stocked. Make sure all your phones are charged and it would be a good idea to have an extra charger. And go over it ahead of time with the kids so they stay calm and understand what to do in an emergency. Make sure they keep their life jackets on the whole time they are on the boat.

10) Never Take Your Eyes Off Them

Always supervise your children when they are on the boat or in the water. Keep an eye on them at all times, especially if they are swimming or playing in the water. Make sure you can reach them if you need to. If they are young don’t let them go into the water without you. Also, it’s best not to rely too much on floaties. Make sure they at least have had a few swimming lessons and are comfortable in water over their heads before taking them out on a boat.

Picture Credit: Jonath Jo