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Take Your Kid Indoor Rock Climbing, NYC

Take your adventure kid indoor bouldering when you need something to do.

Are you are like me, with a teen at home who is constantly on her phone? And you might even be worrying that she or he might be spending too much time on that phone? You want to get him or her out doing something a bit more adventurous, amIright? Does it make you climb the walls?

Well, I have a great idea. Instead of you climbing the walls, let’s get them climbing the walls. OK you can too if you want. Here in NYC it’s a little on the cold side and my daughter likes to use that as an excuse to do nothing but draw, listen to music, text etc. It’s also the holiday break so amazingly she doesn’t have a ton of homework to do.

Indoor Rock Climbing

I had enough looking at her laying around so I signed her up for a $50 group lesson at Steep Rock Bouldering on the Upper East side in NYC that covered the day’s admission and shoe rental. It turned out even better because no one else showed up for the lessons so we had the instructor to ourselves.

Morgan started out all gung ho thinking it was going to be easy. She did well for the first twenty minutes and then kept shaking out her hands. Since the most exercise her arms has gotten lately is texting her ligaments up and down her arms were screaming at her. It’s OK though, she’s pretty psyched and wants to go back next week. I’m going to get a $22 day pass myself and we will climb together. If we like it we can sign up for a monthly fee or right now I can buy a 10 punch pass special for $150 that is normally $200.

Morgan, trying out the different handholds with her instructor.

The place is pretty chill and the walls aren’t crazy high so there’s no need to be on belay. You just put your climbing shoes on and head on up. The handholds are color coded from easy to hard and you follow the route based on the difficulty. So you can spider your way all over the walls all day if you want. There’s a nice big pad at the bottom and a little bit of a gym to work on your upper body strength.

Good for Your Kid’s Back Muscles

My daughter is totally psyched to go back next weekend and is thinking of signing up for the after school program. I think it’s great since it’s way cheaper than skiing, which is the only other thing I can get her out of the house for in the winter. She’s also really excited because at school she has to drag around a really big backpack and she thinks this might give her a chance to stretch out and build up her back and shoulder muscles a bit more. I haven’t seen her this excited about something in awhile so I’m looking forward to going with her next Sunday and hanging out on the walls with her.

Morgan and her instructor discussing strategy while waiting for the feeling in her fingers to come back, while indoor rock climbing in NYC.

And my daughter has asthma so she’s been a bit worried about sports that make her wheeze. This didn’t make her wheeze at all and she could go at her own speed.

If you’d like to get your child into bouldering check out what’s available in your area. If you are in the New York City Area, Steep Rock Bouldering has two locations, one on the upper east side and one on the west. For pricing and classes, check it out here.

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