Category Archives: Winter Travel

Winter Camping: How to Make a Camp Fire in the Snow

Afraid to Winter Camp Because You Don’t Have a Clue How to Get a Fire Going in Snow? Fear Not.

Ever wondered how to make a camp fire in the snow? And then how to cook on that said camp fire, in the woods, in the dead of winter?  Have you been putting off winter camping until you got around to figuring it out? Here’s one delightful couple that shows us how to get the fire going and then cook on it. I imagine their kids are going to have some fun trips.

When Building a Fire in the Snow with Kids

If you are doing this with kids, I’d recommend bringing a shovel for them to help you dig a bit as well as set them up for playing in the snow while you’re doing the leg work. Keep an eye on them as you don’t want them wandering off while you are immersed in fire pit shoveling mode.

Be aware of any rivers or streams in the area (like the one in the video). If you don’t have another adult to watch them, make sure they stay in your line of vision while you are working on your fire. Also make sure they have some snacks and are dressed appropriately. You’ll likely be working up a sweat but if they are not moving around too much it won’t be too long before they get cold. Have them help you gather wood.

Don’t forget to make sure to tell your children what you’re doing and why. As you’ll see in this video it’s a great learning opportunity about not just making fire but physics as well. For example, listen carefully to why you can’t just make the fire on top of snow.